RIETI - 独立行政法人経済産業研究所
経済産業研究所(rieti)とは経済構造改革や行政改革により活力ある経済社会構築に役立つ経済政策研究を目的とした独立 ...
RIETI - Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry
The Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI), an incorporated administrative agency with non-civil servant status, was established on April 1, 2001 as a new platform to bring about creative and innovative policy debates based on world-class research, analysis and policy studies from mid- and long-term strategic perspectives.
RIETI - What is RIETI?
The Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI) is a policy think tank established in 2001. Its mission is to conduct theoretical and empirical research, maximize synergies with those engaged in policymaking, and to make policy proposals based on evidence derived from such research activities.
About RIETI; Privacy Policy; Site Policy; Site Map; Help; Contact; METI Web Site; Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAA (JCN 6010005005426)
RIETI - Special Feature on Economic Security
Sep 3, 2024 · June 20, 2024. Economic Security and Geopolitics: Insights into Japan-Korea cooperation based on "Economic Security Indicators" Speaker: Byung Yeon KIM (Distinguished Professor in the Department of Economics, Seoul National University) Commentator: Hyeog Ug KWON (Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Professor, College of Economics, Nihon University) Moderator: FUKAO Kyoji (Chairman, RIETI / University ...
Data - RIETI
AMU and AMU Deviation Indicators. The purpose of this site is to publish the results of the AMU (Asian Monetary Unit) and AMU Deviation Indicators calculated by RIETI Faculty Fellow OGAWA Eiji and SHIMIZU Junko as a part of the RIETI project, "The Optimal Exchange Rate Regime for East Asia," headed by Faculty Fellow ITO Takatoshi.
RIETI - 研究テーマ
政策研究領域 (2006-2010年度) 2006年度からスタートした第二期中期目標・計画期間では、政府から4つの「基盤政策研究領域」が示されるとともに、基盤政策研究領域以外でrietiが独自に設定する研究領域として「隣接研究領域」が設けられました。
RIETI - RIETIウェブサイトについて
独立行政法人経済産業研究所(RIETI)のサイトポリシーです。 サイト閲覧方法 独立行政法人経済産業研究所(RIETI)のウェブサイト閲覧方法についてのご説明です。 ウェブアクセシビリティ方針 経済産業研究所RIETI経済産業 ...