No daily, season or possession limit. See General Regulations for additional regulations. Open statewide year-round, except it shall be unlawful to hunt, take or attempt to take coyotes from dark to ...
Bass, Striped Good on live bait, live shad around channels, main lake, points, river channel. Catfish, Blue, Catfish, Channel, Catfish, Flathead Fair on cut bait ...
Adult western chicken turtles are about 4-10 inches in shell length. Females tend to be larger than males. Hatchlings are around an inch in length. The western chicken turtle is one of three chicken ...
Birds must work diligently and efficiently when weather is harshest. Winter days are short so birds have only a maximum of ...
Each year, Wildlife Department biologists survey publicly accessible roads in the High Plains ecoregion for signs of Oklahoma’s smallest fox, the swift fox. Alternating townships (6-mile-by-6-mile ...
An ancient art is the focus of a modern science experiment, as researchers recently teamed up with bowfishing anglers for a unique bowfishing tournament and learning opportunity at Shell Lake in ...
Crappie is usually associated with standing timber and brushy cover in lakes. In the spring they inhabit the shallow ends of coves, later moving to water 15 or more feet deep. Food sources: Minnows, ...
Crappie are usually associated with standing timber and brushy cover in lakes. In the spring they inhabit the shallow ends of coves, later moving to water 15 or more feet deep. Food sources: Minnows, ...
Similarities: Purple and house finches are relatively small songbirds, about 5-6 inches in length. Adult males have reddish- ...