We provide services to Canadians visiting and living in Mexico. We also provide services to Canadians in: ...
Global Affairs Canada’s Evaluation Division conducted an evaluation of Canada’s Strategy to respond to the Rohingya and Myanmar crises (the “Strategy”), for the period from fiscal year (FY) 2017-18 to ...
We, the Leaders of the G20, met in Rio de Janeiro on 18-19 November 2024 to address major global challenges and crises and promote strong, sustainable, balanced, and inclusive growth. We gather in the ...
Nous, dirigeants du G20, nous sommes réunis à Rio de Janeiro les 18 et 19 novembre 2024 afin de nous attaquer aux grandes crises et aux grands enjeux de la planète et promouvoir une croissance forte, ...
Infographies mettant en évidence des statistiques telles que les exportations, les principales industries et le nombre d'emplois occupés par des femmes.
If you have any difficulties at any stage of the contracting process, please send a message to
[email protected]. The application due date is December 8, 2024. Contract type: One-year ...
Si vous rencontrez une difficulté à l'une des étapes du processus de recrutement, veuillez envoyer un message à l’adresse :
[email protected]. La date limite de dépôt des candidatures est le ...
A Joint Statement by Botswana and the G7 diamond technical team: “A G7 import ban on Russian origin diamonds began on 1 January 2024. On 1 March 2024, Russian diamonds processed in third countries ...
Déclaration commune du Botswana et de l’équipe technique du G7 chargée des diamants : « L’interdiction d’importer des diamants d’origine russe imposée par le G7 est entrée en vigueur le 1er janvier ...
Ministers and Representatives of Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and Viet Nam met for the Eighth Meeting of the ...
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's (OECD)’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) promotes international dialogue and study on development. It also sets standards for ...
This Notice replaces Notice to Exporters No. 1004 dated September 2, 2020, and sets out the policies and practices pertaining to the administration of vehicles for export to the European Union (EU) ...