Romania's national anthem should be changed, argued Călin Georgescu in a 2020 interview with Elena Sechila, the wife of Eugen ...
The Constitutional Court of Romania announced on Thursday a vote recount, a move that suggests the potential cancellation of ...
The Constitutional Court of Romania will debate on Thursday at 11 AM the two appeals filed by Christian Terheș (MEP and ...
How did the anti-Western candidate Călin Georgescu rise to the top of the presidential polls? There are numerous causes ...
A growing number of employees in Romania suffer from professional exhaustion, or burnout, with women being disproportionately affected, according to a study by the APSAP Training Center (a Romanian ...
With the victory of Călin Georgescu, Romania enters its darkest possible scenario: a violently anti-Western, pro-Russian, neo-fascist, and anti-Semitic candidate wins the first round of the ...
Max Verstappen a surprins pe multă lume atunci când după victoria din Marele Premiu din Qatar l-a criticat dur pe George ...
Preşedintele ucrainean Volodimir Zelenski a declarat că, după ce aderarea ţării sale la NATO va deveni o certitudine, Kievul ...
Partidul de extremă dreapta francez Adunarea Naţională (RN) va sprijini foarte probabil o moţiune de cenzură la adresa ...
Companiile de distribuție a energiei electrice,  parte a grupului PPC în România, au fuzionat sub numele Rețele Electrice ...