Clair Titley’s short and shocking documentary tells the story of Hamatsu Tomoaki, who in 1998 was cast on a Japanese TV show to spend 15 months naked in an apartment, surviving on winnings from ...
The terms ‘independent’ or ‘indie’ are often used to identify art or culture outside the mainstream, but what constitutes truly independent cinema is tricky to define. For India, independent cinema is ...
In her first feature The Taste of Mango, Sri Lankan-British director Chloe Abrahams excavates a matrilineal history of abuse within her own family via hypnotic handheld camera and intimate ...
A funny and charming tale of one Irish son juggling four very different mothers, Darren Thornton’s film won the LFF 2024 Audience Award for Best Feature.
Shot in the style of a home movie, Chloe Abrahams’s impressionistic debut documentary finds space for empathy as it exhumes painful family secrets.
When making the classic film of Watership Down, the animators based their drawings on actual places in the English countryside. But have these locations been spared the bulldozers?
But the risk-taking exploits of the great silent comedian have also inspired Keanu Reeves and Brad Pitt in their respective stunting in John Wick (2014) and Bullet Train (2022). Tom Cruise is a fan ...
It sounds like a scene from Twin Peaks. On a starry night, David Lynch was taking a walk through the dark woods when he witnessed a flood of bright light coming over the tops of the trees. The ...