Directed by Justin Kurzel, the series charts the life of Dorrigo Evans, played by Elordi as a young man and Hinds as an older man, including his love story with Amy (Young) and his time in a POW camp.
A proposed bill in Congress would ban trans people from bathrooms in museums, national parks and other federal property. How would it be enforced, and what are the consequences?
The Odessa American is the leading source of local news, information, entertainment and sports for the Permian Basin.
The Houston-area district is among many across the country using weapons detections systems that utilize artificial ...
The Odessa American is the leading source of local news, information, entertainment and sports for the Permian Basin.
Sue Deeks, head of BBC programme acquisition, said: "The Narrow Road to the Deep North is a complex, beautiful, and ...
The partnership called the H-E-B Feast of Sharing, hopes to deliver food to homebound neighbors in the community ...
The Odessa Police Department is investigating after a deadly crash left one Odessa teen dead and another seriously injured.
With the Christmas season right around the corner, the City of Odessa is planning to host several of its annual events ...
It is time to stop asking if we can afford to make this move and start asking if we can afford not to. The future of ...
Transgender residents living under a bathroom ban in Texas reflect on the controversy surrounding Sarah McBridge and new ...
Santa Claus is visiting Midland-Odessa early this year, offering photo opportunities and festive events for families.