"Moana 2," the follow-up to the successful Disney (DIS) animated movie, dominated the holiday weekend box office, raking in $221 million in domestic ticket sales, according to Box Office Mojo, setting ...
The movie side is brighter, with director Clint Eastwood's latest, "Juror #2" (Dec. 20), which has received rave reviews but a limited theatrical release, thanks to Warner Bros. Discovery (WBD) CEO ...
A viral video confirms Abhishek Bachchan's presence at his daughter Aaradhya's birthday celebration, despite earlier reports ...
However, the twist came a few days later when Aishwarya shared a set of photos from Aaradhya’s birthday celebrations on ...
How do you turn an iconic Aussie song into a movie? In the case of How To Make Gravy, the secret is in the source... material ...
A poster and trailer have arrived online for Mudbrick, the upcoming folk horror from writer-director Nikola Petrovic. The ...
The rappers' duo Talha Anjum and Talhah Yunus were scheduled to perform in concerts in December 2024 across Delhi, Mumbai, ...
The iPhone 16 and 16 Pro, powered by the innovative iOS 18 operating system, offer a wealth of features designed to enhance ...
Desai has been awarded the National Film Award for Best Art Direction four times and the Filmfare Best Art Direction Award ...
What 2024's rising stars of Wall Street say about the TV shows, movies, or books that best represent their daily lives at work.
Santanu Mishra, producer of the iconic movie “I Am Kalam”, and co-founder of Smile Foundation, received two awards during the ...
Bakery Day at Chandigarh Institute of Hotel Management Sector 42D, was a delightful occasion. Celebrating the talent of the ...