One day, humanity may send a spacecraft to the realm of Saturn, targeting one of its most fascinating moons: Enceladus. This "ocean world," hidden beneath a thick shell of ice, harbors a vast, liquid ...
Dr. Sofia Sheikh from the SETI Institute led a study that sheds new light on how pulsar signals—the spinning remnants of ...
In this third episode, Gary Niederhoff talks with planetary scientist Pascal Lee, co-founder of The Mars Institute, and ...
The SETI Institute has a straight- forward yet profound mission: To lead humanity’s quest to understand the origins and ...
The SETI Institute turns 40 this month! What began as a two-person project at the NASA Ames Research Center has now grown ...
The Geological Society of America has awarded the SETI Institute's Dr. Janice Bishop the prestigious 2024 Arthur L. Day Medal ...
Anguilla's Premier Resort Celebrates 40th Anniversary and Impact of Groundbreaking STEM Education and Stargazing Experience ...