These changes across the City of Sydney local area will allow people riding to travel in the opposite direction to motor ...
If you want to find current development proposals or historical applications for properties in your area.
On weekends and for the most current updates, please call the wet weather phone line on 02 9246 7708.
If you wish to hold a public assembly in the local area, you need to inform the police. The NSW Council for Civil Liberties ...
You can apply to hold a wedding ceremony or marriage proposal in one of our parks and public spaces. Ceremonies and proposals ...
The 2022 floor space and employment survey is the fourth full survey within the current City of Sydney local area boundaries.
When mobility spaces are added or removed, following approval from the Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee, we work to update the map as quickly as possible. Changes are generally ...
Existing public toilet facilities east of the oval will be open during construction and then demolished. A design for the ...
We’re proposing changes to entertainment sound rules including requirements for venues and nearby residential developments.