The Trump administration is trimming the USDA and slashing funding for state climate change programs, while Washington, ...
Mud proved a formidable obstacle at times, but an experiment designed to reduce the number of rotting cattle carcasses in ...
Federal Magistrate Judge Candy W. Dale in March 2024 ruled that trapping and snaring wolves during the grizzlies’ non-denning ...
Rob Sharkey and wife Emily spoke to nearly 1,000 Washington FFA students Feb. 5 during the Spokane Ag Show, their talk was ...
The phishing emails contained the USDA logo to make the sender appear valid. Each email asked the recipient to confirm ...
Grant County PUD was at the center of a recent article in The Capital Press. Many of the comments made in the article were inaccurate with omissions, assumptions and accusations made. The ...
President Trump’s promise to deport all illegal immigrants and his executive order starting that work puts producers and farmworkers in a difficult position. It prompted us to dust off a reform ...
SPOKANE — The Washington Grain Commission is asking farmers what they want to do next regarding genetically-modified HB4 wheat. HB4 wheat is a transgenic wheat trait owned and sold by Bioceres ...
OLYMPIA — Washington legislators are considering toughening the state’s clean-fuel standard by forcing suppliers of conventional fuels to buy more low-carbon fuel credits. If legislators pass ...
SALEM — An unlikely alliance of advocates for agriculture, environmental protection and animal rights is asking Oregon lawmakers for $1.5 million to promote coexistence with beavers. Even if ...
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation are extending the public scoping period for their re-do of an environmental review of the Columbia River system operations.