Disney's animated sequel to 2016's original debuted in theaters across North America on Wednesday, Nov. 27 and earned a ...
Disney's new animated film 'Moana 2' sets a Friday box office record with an estimated $108 million take, heading toward a ...
Moana 2,” the animated Disney sequel, topped box office charts over the Thanksgiving holiday, leading to a record-breaking ...
A trio of blockbusters — “ Moana 2 ,” “ Wicked ” and “ Gladiator II ” — are fueling a record-breaking Thanksgiving bounty.
Moana 2 is going far, and bringing the rest of the box office along with it. After breaking a record for the Thanksgiving box ...
A week of major movie releases has propelled this holiday stretch to the highest-grossing Thanksgiving weekend ever at the ...
Disney’s “Moana 2” brought in $221 million in U.S. ticket sales over the five-day holiday weekend, making it the ...
The Disney animated sequel set a new record for biggest Thanksgiving weekend in box office history, extending a comeback for ...
Movie theaters finally have something for which to be thankful.
In a sign of the company's changing streaming strategy, Disney pivoted 'Moana 2' from a series to a big-screen film. The move ...
The combination of the animated sequel, the history-making 'Wicked' and 'Gladiator II' is delivering an unparalleled ...
Moviegoers flocked to the cineplex to see the Disney sequel. “Wicked” and “Gladiator II” continued strong runs.