Disney's animated sequel to 2016's original debuted in theaters across North America on Wednesday, Nov. 27 and earned a ...
Already watched Moana 2 and missed the scene? Here's a recap of what happens in it. Do not continue reading unless you want ...
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson took time to express his gratitude to the troops in Hawaii amid the highly successful opening ...
In a sign of the company's changing streaming strategy, Disney pivoted 'Moana 2' from a series to a big-screen film. The move ...
Moana 2” brought in a tidal wave of moviegoers over the Thanksgiving Day weekend with $221 million in ticket sales.
Moana 2 sailed to the top of the box office over the long Thanksgiving holiday weekend in keeping with the trend set on its ...
The domestic box office saw earnings exceed $400 million across the extended Thanksgiving period. Thanks to Moana 2, Wicked, ...
With a 5-day domestic debut of $221M, Walt Disney Animation Studios' “Moana 2” has shattered numerous box office records ...
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, who reprises his role as Maui in Disney's much-anticipated Moana 2, took a moment from the film's ...
Disney’s Moana 2 has grossed $386.3M in its global box office opening; with record-breaking starts domestically and ...