Bresnahan and two other Pennsylvania Republicans won in November by some of the smallest margins in all of Congress, ...
Some are justifying their votes for budget legislation that seems likely to require major cuts to Medicaid and other programs ...
Fewer than one in four Pennsylvanians go to a church, synagogue or mosque weekly, and more than half seldom or never attend, ...
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) reminds motorists that night work is scheduled to begin this Sunday ...
Michelle Archie has been selected to be the new principal of Rowland Academy, the school district announced Friday, Feb. 28.
David Inscho, a partner at Philadelphia’s Kline & Specter, estimated he’s worked on “dozens” of child sexual abuse cases ...
As Harrisburg grapples with a police shortage, the need for police services seems to only be increasing, judging by numbers ...
The Pennsylvania Game Commission will hold big game scoring sessions in several regions across the state. The events are an ...
A Pennsylvania lawmaker was hailed for his efforts after a budget bill narrowly passed in the U.S. House this week. The ...
Kyle Malik Jones, 33, pleaded guilty in March 2024 to possession with intent to distribute controlled substances. He was ...
A nurse who survived an armed man’s attack on an intensive care unit in a Pennsylvania hospital said in a Facebook post on ...