Scientists say the unfolding El Niño event superimposed on long-term global warming is a primary driver of this huge spike in global surface temperatures since mid-2023. But the magnitude of the increase shocked many experts, leaving them somewhat puzzled about what else could be behind the remarkable temperature.
Earth's climate has changed throughout history for numerous reasons, but modern climate change is driven by human behavior.
Last year, 2024, was the warmest year on record for the planet, easily breaking the previous record set just a year earlier.
"We're really grateful for the space community and their care at this challenging time — but exploration continues, so we will be back."
Climate change and human activities are causing significant disruptions to Earth's natural systems, including the global water cycle. These disruptions have introduced variability and irregularities that challenge assumptions about the stability of geophysical processes.
Image: It’s “going to look a little different” as it migrates to a more general science site, according to NASA. President Donald Trump has called climate change a “hoax,” and researchers have been archiving environmental data in case it starts to disappear from federal websites.
The Sustainable Business Model Challenge is intended to promote innovation by encouraging enterprises to develop sustainable business models supporting climate resilience and informed decision-making.
More than 200 NASA staff lost homes in the LA fires. Their tragedies bring a personal perspective to rising global climate risks.
NASA’s Parker Solar Probe flew closer to the sun than any spacecraft ever has, surviving expected temperatures of 1,800 degrees to collect data that’s helping scientists better understand how stars work.
Throughout its long history, Earth has warmed and cooled time and again. Climate has changed when the planet received more or less sunlight due to subtle shifts in its orbit, as the atmosphere or surface changed, or when the Sun’s energy varied.
A science-oriented advocacy group says the Earth is moving closer to destruction. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists said Tuesday that they've moved their “Doomsday Clock” to 89 seconds to midnight,
Sharks and rays have populated the world's oceans for around 450 million years, but more than a third of the species living today are severely threatened by overfishing and the loss of their habitat.