French Culture Minister Rachida Dati began a visit on Monday to the disputed ... But in July, French President Emmanuel Macron said that Morocco's autonomy plan was the "only basis" to resolve the Western Sahara dispute. The turnabout marked by Macron's ...
France Culture Minister Rachida Dati will visit Morocco from February 16-18, heading a delegation committed to further promote cultural relations
French Culture Minister Rachida Dati's visit to Western Sahara showcases support for Morocco's sovereignty over the region, amid longstanding conflict with the Algerian-backed Polisario Front. France,
The French decision has strained relations between Paris and Algeria, which supports the Polisario Front in demanding self-rule for the Sahrawi people. The North African nation has insisted that the stance by its former colonial power violates international law and UN efforts to decolonize Western Sahara.
Algeria on Tuesday denounced a visit by French Culture Minister Rachida Dati to Western Sahara, after Paris recognised Moroccan sovereignty over the disputed territory, as "objectionable on multiple levels".
Algeria’s foreign ministry unleashed a barrage of accusations Tuesday against French Culture Minister Rachida Dati’s historic visit to Laayoune, blasting what it termed a “flagrant disregard for international law” by a permanent Security Council member.
The French Minister of Culture, Rachida Dati, announced on Monday in Laayoune the establishment of a French Alliance in the city, aiming to boost cultural cooperation between France and Morocco, particularly in the southern provinces.
Rabat - French Minister of Culture Rachida Dati underlined on Tuesday in Rabat France's willingness to be a partner of Morocco in its international cultural strategy. Speaking at a joint press conference with Morocco's Minister of Youth,
Rabat - Head of Government Aziz Akhannouch hosted in Rabat today Gérard Larcher, President of the French Senate.  Larcher’s visit reflects the deepening Head of Government Aziz Akhannouch hosted in Rabat today Gérard Larcher,
RABAT, Feb 17 (Reuters) - French Culture Minister Rachida Dati began a visit on Monday to disputed Western ... after the U.S. to back Morocco's position. French President Emmanuel Macron visited Rabat in October telling parliament that Western Sahara ...