In a news conference Thursday, Auditor General Timothy DeFoor addressed findings in his office’s report on five cyber charter ...
A new analysis of cyber charter school funding offers a familiar recommendation: consider recalculating how the state pays to ...
Following an audit of Pennsylvania’s cyber charter schools, the Pennsylvania Auditor General is calling for “major reform” to ...
A report from Pennsylvania’s auditor general analyzes how five state cyber charter schools spent taxpayer money during the ...
Pa. Auditor General Tiimothy DeFoor called for reforms to the state's cyber charter funding formula following an audit of five schools.
The surge of new money has yielded massive budget surpluses for the cyber charters examined by Pennsylvania Auditor General ...
Pennsylvania cyber charter schools’ revenues have exploded, jumping by nearly 90% over three years and leading to some ...
The surge of new money has yielded massive budget surpluses for the cyber charters examined by Pennsylvania Auditor General Timothy DeFoor, who said these large piles of cash can enable ...