As of Sunday, responsibility for the province’s health-care system has been transferred to Santé Québec , a new agency ...
Santé Québec will manage all health-care establishments in the province but workers and community groups are worried the ...
This Sunday, Santé Québec becomes the central agency responsible for managing the operations of Quebec’s entire health-care ...
The arrival of Santé Québec, the new agency responsible for coordinating the operations of the health network, is causing ...
Les Québécois doivent «donner la chance au coureur» concernant l’entrée en fonction de l’agence Santé Québec, selon Isabelle ...
Bill 83, titled An Act to Foster the Practice of Medicine in the Public Health and Social Services Network, includes fines ...
Un an après le passage en force – pardon, l’adoption sous bâillon – de cette merveille législative, on entame enfin la grande ...
C’est la phase ultime d’années de centralisation alors que les meilleurs systèmes de santé en Occident sont les plus ...
On Monday, dozens of health-care workers rallied outside the downtown Montreal office of Santé Québec. Organized by the ...
Santé Québec is contemplating, as a last resort, “a selective reduction of services” to the population in a four-phase plan ...
Une centaine de membres de l’Alliance du personnel professionnel et technique de la santé et des services sociaux (APTS) ont ...
Santé Québec will manage all health-care facilities in the province, a move which one of Quebec’s largest trade unions ...