Today the sentence for Filippo Turetta, accused of the femicide of the 22-year-old. The Prosecutor's Office asks for life ...
A student who admitted murdering his ex-girlfriend in a brutal case that sparked outrage and soul searching in Italy will be ...
The verdict in the trial of Filippo Turetta, accused of murdering his girlfriend Giulia Cecchetti, is expected December 3.
ROME, DEC 3 - A Venice court on Tuesday is expected to announce its verdict on Filippo Turetta, a 23-year-old man who has ...
The femicide of Giulia Cecchettin has sparked a wave of indignation in Italy. The tragic death of the young woman, at the ...
Prosecutors have asked for life in prison for Filippo Turetta, 22, for killing Giulia Cecchettin in November last year, just ...
Stories of femicide routinely top the news agenda in Italy, but Giulia Cecchettin’s story attracted an unusual amount of ...
The trial for the femicide of Giulia Cecchettin is nearing its conclusion.
A student who admitted murdering his ex-girlfriend in a brutal case that sparked outrage and soul searching in Italy will be ...
Oggi, presso la Corte d’Assise di Venezia, si chiude uno dei processi più seguiti e discussi dell’ultimo anno. Filippo ...
A poco più di un anno dall'uccisione della ex fidanzata arriva la sentenza per il 23enne reo confesso. La Corte d'Assise di ...
Condannato all'ergastolo. È il giorno della sentenza per il femminicidio di Giulia Cecchettin, la ragazza di 22 anni uccisa ...