Nothing says ‘I Love You’ like an old vending machine, and if it is a restored and working vintage Vendo V-80 cola dispenser then you have yourself a winner. [Jan Cumps] from Belgium was ...
My team, which includes my son and my wife, are going to walk you through the full restoration of this beautiful 1950s Vendo 44 machine. So, this is a Vendo 44 machine. Retail, restored ...
Fabiola Lara is exploring a new creative outlet for her work – using old vending machines to deliver her artwork in ...
Many moons ago, in my teens, I came across a vending machine with "Akarui Katei Seikatsu" written on it. I assumed it dispensed chewing gum and put some coins into it, and out came a tiny box.
FLINT, Mich. — A Flint woman is infusing creativity into the local cultural scene by repurposing an antique cigarette vending machine to sell local art. The machine operates like any typical ...