If you’ve been burned by the cancellation of Football Manager 25, here are the best games to help fill that gap in your life.
Although millions of people these days unwind with a podcast or two in the evening, there is also a massive population of gamers who enjoy relaxing with a top title after a grueling day in the office.
I just assumed you'd make the list -- this was also one of the richest seasons in recent memory. The freshly expanded College Football Playoff gave us a few classics, Miami and BYU seemed to play ...
Mutant Football League 2 brings plenty of violence and gore to the gridiron for those of us who aren't interested in playing ...
Super Tiny Football has released the Super Tiny Bowl Update with several new changes as well as a removal of the hard paywall as it is now free-to-play ...
Here's a look at how to play the popular game and whether you should be happy with the numbers you're dealt. The game is played on a 10-by-10 grid, meaning there are 100 spots to fill. Squares are ...
Are you ready for some football ... many new viewers will be tuning in for their first football game on Sunday night. Every year, the Super Bowl is the most-watched event in America.