"Dune: Prophecy" episode 3 focuses on young Tula Harkonnen's relationship with Orry Atreides. Star Emma Canning breaks down ...
Prophecy, 'Sisterhood Above All,' spent most of its time in flashbacks, as we saw how sisters Valya and Tula Harkonnen came ...
Dune: Prophecy episode 2 killed off Chloe Lea's Lila during the Agony, but her grandmother sacrificing her isn't as tragic as ...
Griffin Harkonnen, the only brother of Valya and Tula Harkonnen, makes a compelling introduction in Episode 3 of Dune: ...
Prophecy season one, episode three, "Sisterhood Above All," the series shows us flashbacks of Valya and Tula Harkonnen's past ...